

Infernet 1.0.0 introduces a new payment system. This allows Infernet nodes to accept payments for their services, and for consumers to pay for the subscriptions they create on-chain.

Here's an outline of the payment system:

Payment Setup

  • The node operator creates an Infernet Wallet through infernet's WalletFactory contract. This wallet will be used to receive payments from consumers.
  • The node operator specifies which tokens they accept as payment. This is done through the config.json of their Infernet node.
  • A consuming user also creates an Infernet Wallet, which they will use to pay for their subscriptions.

Subscription Creation

  • Subscriptions are created either via a Normal Subscription or through a Delegated Subscription. The payment parameters are specified as follows:

    • token: Address of the token to be used for payment. Zero address means payment in the native token.
    • amount: The maximum amount to be paid.
    • wallet: The address from which the payment will be made.
  • The consumer will also have to approve their contract to spend the specified amount of tokens out of their wallet.

  • The graph below shows this flow for a normal subscription.

Subscription Detection

  • An Infernet node will be monitoring the blockchain for new subscriptions. When it sees a new subscription, it will check if the subscription has a payment attached to it.

  • If it does, it will check if the payment is valid. This can mean a few things:

    • The payment is in a token that the node accepts.
    • The payment meets the minimum required amount.
    • The payment is made from a valid wallet.
  • If the payment is valid, the node will accept the subscription and forward it to its containers for computation.

  • The node will deliver the container's results to the Coordinator.

Payment Settlement

  • The Coordinator contract collects the payment from the consumer's wallet and deduct the network fee.
  • The Coordinator contract ensures that the subscription does not require verification.
  • The Coordinator contract then transfers the payment to the node's wallet, and deliver the computation results to the consumer's contract.